March for Life - Berlin

The annual March for Life in Berlin will take place on September 21st, 2024. The march will start at 13:00 h with public addresses at the Brandenburg Gate, followed by a march through the streets of Berlin, ending around 16:30 h.  Our group from the ESM will meet at 12:30 h in front of Hopfingerbräu am Brandenburger Tor (click "Read more" to see map). Please email the contact below to let us know you are coming or just show up.

The March is organized by the Bundesverband Lebensrecht e.V. with the aim of promoting a culture of life in all its facets, including more protections for the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, the terminally ill. The organization sees human life as having inherent dignity and worth from the moment of conception until natural death. It therefore stands against abortion and euthanasia, and supports better information on the effects of abortions on women, while also demanding better palliative care for the terminally ill and better support for persons with disabilities. The organization is also critical of abuses of prenatal diagnostic blood tests used to select for a genetically desirable child, especially since current statistics suggest that 8 of 10 foetuses with Down Syndrome are aborted, while in other countries female foetuses are selectively killed. 

No registration is necessary in order to participate in this event.