Monday Rosary

Please join us in praying the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Mondays at 7 pm (St. Bernard's Church)

Tuesday Evening Lectio Divina Group - Diving into the Sunday Readings

The traditional monastic practice of Lectio Divina (Latin for “holy/divine reading”) provides a way to enter into Sacred Scripture as a living Word for our time. Lectio Divina becomes more about divine listening than divine reading when we take the time to do it. This is why we pray Lectio Divina — to become better listeners of the Lord, to hear more clearly what God is asking of us - opening ourselves to peace, gratitude, and living rooted in Christ.

The basic idea is to spend time listening deeply and intently to what God might have to say to you through Scripture—almost as if the sacred text were a much-cherished love letter from God. Lectio Divina is like a deep conversation with a best friend. It is not a study method. Background knowledge can be helpful but is not essential.  Our real goal is to meet our Lord as we read his Word and allow him to transform our lives to be more like him through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Join us as we meet online every TUESDAY evening, to dive deeper into the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. There is no commitment to join every week, just come whenever you can, spend some time praying through Scripture and sharing with each other. 

To register, please send an email to the contact below.

Friday Adoration at All Saints

We all face trials and carry burdens in our journey of life. However, as Christians, we do not carry these crosses alone. There is One who walks with us, helps us and brings peace to our hearts, if we turn to Him. So, come and find rest and peace before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Join us for Eucharisttic Adoration on select Fridays (download flyer for schedule) between 5pm and 7 pm,  the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at All Saints Church (Hüttenweg 46, 14195 Berlin).


Women at the Well - Women's Group

Women of all ages are welcome to join our “Women at the Well” group. We meet weekly on Monday mornings between 10:15-11:15am on Zoom, to pray with the Book of Ecclesiastes through Lectio Divina.

God made us for community, to share His love, so this is also a time for laughter, friendship, support, encouragement and spiritual growth.

If you are interested, please contact

Christian Literary Club Meeting

Every human life unfolds in a particular cultural bubble.  Compare the daily worries and concerns of Abraham with those of a New Yorker.  The variety of these bubbles are an endless source of wonder and surprise.  With this bewildering expectation we will read a scholarly article on 

The Sanctity of Blood in the Old and the New Testament.

Please join us for the Christian Literary Club on January 25th at 7:30 pm. New Participants are always welcome!

For questions or info on the location, contact Sharon (see contact below).